Hello from Uttar Pradesh!

Uttar Pradesh newsletter, Page 1


Uttar Pradesh newsletter, page 2


India Farm Visits 2023: Uttar Pradesh

Hello from North India!

After visiting with family in Mumbai, we traveled to the opposite side of India: Uttar Pradesh. This northern state borders Nepal, and is home to countless farms, hosting a rich variety of crops. This region is generally quite warm in the summer months, but a heavy rain just one day prior had cooled things down significantly. After arriving in town and sampling some of the local food (mostly desserts), we were off to visit with our incredibly hardworking partner farmers who are advancing regenerative agriculture and social good in the region!

Here, the focus is 100% regenerative, pesticide-free farming. Careful attention is paid to maintain true soil health and to integrate native life and plant biodiversity in the most beneficial way possible. The result is spices brimming with flavor and packed with nutrition - all while combating climate change!

Pictured: Teja Chili and Salem Turmeric Rhizomes

Impactful Community Health Education

Rural communities in India often face a steep challenge when it comes to women’s health education and awareness. Cultural attitudes and resource allotment are difficult barriers to overcome, and women in these communities face serious health risks as a result. Our partner farmer purchased thousands of reusable sanitary pads to distribute to women, then took one massive, landmark step further by paying for two doctors from Delhi (a five hour drive) to host workshops on the use and care of these products to the women receiving them! The durability and reusability of these pads is also paramount, so instead of single-use, women can use them for years.

1 comment

Arun Puri

Admire your great initiative, drive and perseverance, Nandini and Andrew and steadfast stand on giving back to the earth and environment, with all the measures Beej Farms has been taking in promoting the cause of regenerative farming. Wishing Beej the very best.

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